The Wrist Tac-Tic

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TAC TIC Wrsit Golf Swing Training Aid The Wrist Tac-Tic -- Golf Swing Trainer

It's been written and said by all the great teachers and players that the "moment of truth" in golf is at "impact". Great players all look slightly different from each other, when they swing the club, but at impact they look incredibly similar to one another. At impact, their lead wrist is flat, allowing them to deliver the clubhead squarely and powerfully with a great deal of consistency. Impact is where better players and less accomplished players can look very different from each other. Often less accomplished players break down at impact, cupping their lead wrist, losing power early and decreasing their accuracy. When a player releases the club properly through impact while wearing the WRIST Tac-Tic, there is no "click". The Tac-Tic "clicks" when a player breaks down, by cupping their lead wrist at impact. The greatest advantage in using the WRIST Tac-Tic is its application is not limited to impact during the full swing, but also can be used while practicing, putting, chipping and pitching.

The Wrsit Tac-Tic Educates the Hands

* Fast and Effective Results: Improve your golf game quickly
* Feel and hear TAC-TIC "click" when wrist is in the wrong wwposition!
* Longer, straighter drives
* More consistent chipping and pitching
* Monitors address position & grip tension
* Develop lock-wrist putting
* User-friendly . . . for beginners or advanced
* Fits right or left hand, large and small
* Reduce your handicap
* Works with every club in bag

Includes new Training Video with TAC-TIC Tips from:
Mancil Davis - PGA's Hole in One Leader
Wally Goodwin - Golf Coach to Tiger Woods& Stanford University
Ben Doyle - Top 50 PGA Instructor

If you have any questions about this product or would like to order by phone, please call us Toll Free at 888-733-8383. We look forward to hearing from you!

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June 2, 2012 by Bob
“I found this golf training aide to be simple to use and easy to put on. You get instant feed back if your hand is at the wrong angle or is breaking down prior to impact with the ball.”

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