3Bays GSA Pro Golf Swing Analyzer
Small enough to be attached to the end of a golf club, the lightweight, battery-operated 3Bays GSA Pro Golf Swing Analyzer captures more than 10,000 data points for each of a user's golf club swing. The data would be transferred to one's mobile device for instant animated review of the swing. The information could also be sent to remote coaches for online coaching.
App Parameters: This compares each swing just played with your best one or coaches’ and shows how close ( in % ) each swing is repeated. 2. Club Head Speed This gives you how fast the club head is traveling as it hits the ball. It is a general indication showing how your swing performs. 3. Face Angle Face angle tells you where your club face is at impact relative to the target line: OPEN, SQUARE, CLOSED. 4. Tempo Swing tempo presents the rhythm ( in ratio ) of your swing speed during the backswing and downswing. The ratio is derived from the backswing time and downswing time. 4:1 means your backswing is 4 times slower than downswing. 5. Back Swing Time Back swing time gives you the time taken to swing from set up to the top of the backswing in seconds. It can be shown up to 2 decimal of a sec. 6. Down Swing Time Down swing time gives you the time taken to swing from the top of the backswing down to the impact point in seconds. It can be shown up to 2 decimal of a sec. 7. Impact Force Impact force presents the amount of force in lbs/kg when you hit the ball. The higher the number means more solid you hit the ball, it is a good indication for short game especially if you can’t feel the strength. 8. Attainable Ball Speed This gives you the attainable speed of golf ball when it leaves the club head at impact. 9. Attainable Shot Distance This gives you the attainable distance of the golf shot, from impact to landing. 10. Swing Path The swing path is a very important piece of information, it shows what path your club is just before impact. There are three types of path: 1. Square How It Works:
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